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What Is It Like to Date a Tatar Girl? [Answered]

Located at the meeting point of the East and West, Tatarstan is a true melting pot of cultures. Tatar identity is strong, but so is the Russian influence. And today we’re going to talk about Tatar girls and what it’s like dating one.

As the republic grows economically, it also attracts foreign visitors and influencers. Also, due to current world situation, many Tatars choose to move to other countries, so you might end up meeting one on your home ground.

As gorgeous as a Tatar girl may be, you might be wondering: what is dating them really like?

So many questions, so few answers! I was shocked to discover that are very few and all semi-useful pages on the topic online.

Are Tatar girls really so rare? Why aren’t foreigners dating them and talking about it? And how do you navigate this uncharted territory? Rest assured that I am here to help!

Tatar Girls: They’re Not ALL the Same

Before we delve into it, I should make one thing clear: Tatar women are different. All women are different. All humans are different.

Your experience might be vastly different from the usual. This article should help you understand some aspects of Tatar culture and their dating style. It’s not a tell-all (though I am trying to make it one).

So if you date a Tatar beauty and it goes all different:

Please share your story, thoughts, and tips!

There isn’t enough information online and it’s time to make a difference. I bet Bradley Cooper won’t write about Irina Shayk (yes, she is Tatar), so us, commoners, would have to help each other out!

But enough for disclaimers. Let’s learn more about Tatar girls now.

Tatar Girls Are Real Stunners

tatar woman

Virtually every Tatar girl has dark, luscious hair and glowing skin. They are easy to mistake for Latino temptresses, except when it comes to body type, they lean toward a petite, slender frame.

Young women in Tatarstan are very health-conscious. You don’t get their long, toned legs by pigging out on kystyby every day. Most of the girls have a very profound respect for their own body. It’s not just about staying a certain size.

Tatar girls are masters of balance. They know when to let loose and when to stick to their guns. It’s not uncommon for a lady to turn down a late-night date (late night being post 9 PM, not in the middle of the night) because she needs her beauty sleep.

At the same time, Tatar gals love to party and they are not afraid of the occasional sleepless night and drunken escapade.

They Dress to Impress

Not only are Tatar women naturally attractive, they know how to show off their body with fashion, too.

Unlike Russian girls or other Eastern European girls, Tatars never talk about brands or what bag daddy / their boyfriend bought them. Compliments are shrugged off with the standard “Oh, this old thing?”

But, surprise-surprise:

Tatar women are in fact some of the most fashion-conscious girls that you’ll meet.

You don’t see it right away. Your new Tatar girlfriend won’t drag you to the shopping mall for a couple of months… But it is coming.

If you are going to get serious, expect to spend some hours waiting – waiting while she hits the stores, waiting for her to pick out the best outfit, waiting while she is doing her make-up.

And while her high-maintenance looks might seem like a bit too much at times, wouldn’t you like to have the hottest girl on your arm?

Tatar Girl = Brainy Beauty

The time when women were expected to stay in the kitchen is long gone. Nowadays, Tatar women venture into all professional and intellectual fields, holding better and better positions.

Traditional Islamic society hasn’t really existed for over a century now. The Soviet Union might have killed more people than Nazi Germany and repressed billions. The one thing they did well, though, was including men and women in the workforce.

Nowadays, all Tatar girls receive a secondary education. Most of them also pursue higher education. Kazan’s universities have been offering a great academic quality for a while now. Women are conscious of how important education and career.

When you date Tatar girls, all of your Muslim woman stereotypes will be shattered. Even the most religious of them are empowered, smart, and career-oriented.

Tatar Girls Are Still Rooted in Tradition

young tatar woman

As successful as a Tatar girl may be, you will quickly discover how important tradition is to her. As the saying goes:

Kilächägem nurlï bulsïn öchen , utkännärdän härchak ut alam.

To make my future bright, I reach for the fire of the past.

The connection between generations is central to Tatar culture.

Family is a very important aspect of Tatar life and it is another key value. Your girlfriend would want to settle down eventually and pass on her culture to your children.

Without thinking too much ahead, be prepared for the prospect of marriage. Also, be prepared that Tatar parents still prefer to supervise the intimate relationships of their children.

It’s not like they practice arranged marriage (at least most of them don’t), but your girl’s family is likely to be a bit suspicious at first.

Rest assured – it all comes from a place of love. They want to make sure that you’re treating her right. Once you win them over, it will all be great. But still:

Her Mom Knows All About You

Since family is so important, you can expect your girlfriend to have a very close and personal bond with her parents and siblings. Girls gossip and moms want to know all about their daughter’s lives.

Whether your Tatar girl considers her mom to be her best friend or not is irrelevant. Momma always has her ways of knowing.

So beware. The last thing you want is to be cursed by an angry Tatar mom.

Her Gamily = Your Good Friends

Once you pass the suspiciousness phase and her family loves you, you have a safety network for life.

Tatar parents consider it as their duty to help out their children in whatever way their can.

This can include emotional help but it could also mean helping out with your lease and other financial problems. They are generous beyond their means when it comes to their child’s well-being.

So, as things get more serious with your Tatar girl, remember that you always have a bunch of unexpected friends on your side.

As a side note: you will also always have people to spend New Year’s Eve. Celebrations are family affairs for the entire extended family and friends. There is no better place to sample mouth-watering Tatar food and dance the night away!


Your Tatar girlfriend’s biggest pet peeve is a patriarchal mindset. Perhaps it is because she grew up surrounded by it. You can see many men thinking like that, no matter if we’re talking about Polish men or others from Eastern Europe (or anywhere in the world).

No matter how much Tatar women achieve, some aspects of life are still very traditional.

Mothers are still the ones responsible for caring for the family and bringing up children. While there is nothing wrong with that, many Tatar girls simply don’t see themselves as housewives.

Your one-way ticket to Dumped Ville is to insinuate (or outright say) that this is her place.

On the contrary, the best way to win her over is to treat her with respect.

If you get into a long-term relationship with her, be proactive about helping out around the house. Sharing household duties and (eventually) family responsibilities is the base of a great partnership, not to mention that it’s only fair.

As a foreigner, your views on equality will be somewhat of a novelty. Don’t get into the slippery slide that local men fall into.

Yes, you can be a bit of a chauvinist and survive the Tatar dating scene. You will get the best girls not by being a jerk but by being different. Shocker, I know.

All That Aside, Her Cooking Skills Are to Die For

As liberal as your Tatar girlfriend may be, she is still happy to pamper her man. Why wouldn’t she? Tatar girls are very affectionate. They always want to make their loved ones feel cosy and taken care of.

Your Tatar girl will be a great homemaker. She has a whole range of delicious meals she can prepare – not just traditional Tatar cuisine but also international favorites.

Heck, I heard of one guy who gave his Tatar girlfriend a recipe for his mom’s lasagna. Not only did she get it right – she got it better!

Whether you own mother was a master cook or not, Tatar girls might as well outdo her. Don’t be shocked if you gain a few pounds. In fact, it’s a smart idea to have your gym membership ready from day one.

Wrapping Up

Finally, I have to say it:

Dating a Tatar girl means you’ll receive unconditional love and loyalty.

It never ceases to amaze me how genuinely caring Tatar ladies are. Even with their friends, but especially with their family and boyfriends, Tatars are fiercely loving.

She will protect your dreams as though they were her own and be ready with a warm, home-made meal to help celebrate or to comfort you.

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Calin Ciabai

Living a location-independent lifestyle since 2008, I love to create content and manage websites. I write mainly about travel, video games, and health, but also other passions of mine. On Nomad Not Mad, I'm sharing all the knowledge I have gathered over all these years of traveling the world, the highs and lows, the beautiful places I visited, and all the disappointing ones as well.

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  1. Thank for the text about Tatar girls. I’m a Tatar girl and I don’t agree with many statements in the text. First of all, in general we don’t look like Latino girls🙈🙈🙈 For example, my hair is brown (not luscious🤣), my eyes are green and my skin is pale. Many people think that Tatar families are patriarchal, but in reality virtually all of them are matriarchal. There are also other incorrect statements. If you have questions you can ask me.

    1. Thanks for sharing your opinion! I would definitely love to hear a more in-depth opinion about Tatar girls from a local!

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